Dragons (DVM)

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Dragon Navigator

Earth Icon (DV M).png Water Icon (DV M).png Fire Icon(DV M).png Light Icon(DV M).png Dark Icon(DV M).png

Attack Icon DVM.png

Attack Type

  • The primary role of Attack Type dragons is to deal damage during battle.
  • In dungeons and Ancient Tower, you want one single-target attacker that deals high damage, and one multi-target attacker to clear minions.
  • In Colosseum, you may wish to have only one attacker, and the other dragons to provide support to it. Or you may have two attackers who synergise well, such as two attackers that have the ability to stun their opponents.
Recovery Type DVM.png

Recovery Type

  • Recovery Type dragons are those that have the ability to heal HP. Check the skills of your Recovery Type dragon to find out what stat their heals are based on, so that you can boost that stat!
  • Most teams will only require 1 healer, but there are times when you will wish for 2.
  • The best Recovery Type will provide a stat boost or some other beneficial effect to their teammates when they heal them.
  • Some Recovery Type dragons can only heal 2 targets. A 2-target healer usually cannot operate alone and must be paired with another healer.
  • Recovery Type dragons such as Aphrodite heal only one target. This is not ideal, as it uses up a lot of mana, and it becomes difficult to sustain your other dragons.
Defense Type DVM.png

Defense Type

  • Defense Type dragons have a high DEF stat and are designed to take the front position and soak up damage to protect their weaker teammates.
  • Unfortunately, most Defense Type dragons are unusable, or too niche for general use. However, Defense Type dragons can still have a place if you find that you require their skillset. Lightning God dragon is one of the best Defense Type dragons due to their high DEF, great damage, and useful skills.
  • You might also need one in Clan Dungeon when the Clan boss has reached high levels, and you need something to tank for your team.
  • Most teams will not need a Defense Type dragon, however.
Support Icon DVM.png

Support Type

  • These category includes a wide variety of useful skills such as reducing the cooldown of drag skills, providing mana, buffing the team, debuffing the opponent, and more.
  • Mana support is indispensable for every team. Before you can access Meditation runes from the Ancient Ruins, (and even after, in most cases), you will need a dedicated mana battery such as Lambgon or Cupid. These dragons increase the speed at which you regain mana every time a dragon uses a drag skill.
  • Dragons such as Bagma and Light Alien reduce the time you need to wait in between dragons using their drag skills, depending on the Mana Cost of each dragon's drag skill. Cooldown reduction is always useful, no matter the content.
  • There are also dragons that can boost its teammate's stats or decrease the opponent's stats during battle. Buffing your dragons is always useful, whereas debuffing the opponent is more for Colosseum than PvE content, though there are PvE content where debuffs such as reduced Recovery Rate can be useful.
  • Think about your team structure and what you think it lacks to decide what support dragons to use!

Rank Up

Ranking up a dragon increases the number of stars they have, allowing you to further level them up and increase their stats. The maximum number of stars a dragon can have is 6 stars. How do you rank up a dragon? Let’s use Wonder as an example. Wonder is a Heroic dragon.

  1. If you select ‘Rank up’ at your Wonder’s screen, you will see the option to select 4 dragons to rank it up. But what dragons do you use?
  2. Use Rare dragons.
  3. However, you can only select 4-star dragons to rank up a Heroic dragon. So what we do is rank up 3-star dragons first.
  4. Do not use Heroics or Legendaries as rank-up material.
  5. Bring some fodder Rare dragons into Adventure mode (during Hot Time is best), and set it to repeat. You need 4 dragons to rank up Wonder, so try to bring 4 fodder and one of your strongest dragon, if possible. If not, you can bring a strong dragon and a healer, with 3 fodder dragons.
  6. Once you have 4 Rares that have reached level 30, go into rank-up for one of them. You can now select 3 other 3-stars to rank them up. Select 3 level 1 Rares that you don’t need (preferably ‘gutter’ dragons). Your Rare dragon is now a 4-star.
  7. Repeat for 3 other Rares.
  8. Now bring Wonder into Adventure mode, if he is not yet level 40.
  9. Once he is at level 40, you can use the Rares you previously levelled and ranked up to increase his rank.
  10. Congratulations, your Wonder is not a 5-star dragon!
  11. Repeat to get your best dragons to 6-stars.