Adventure (DV)

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As you can see, it is partly the same as Dragon Village 2, but some areas are clearly different. Yutakan in Dragon Village 1 appears to be a peninsula rather than Yutakan Island , and as explained above, it faces the risk of destruction several times. The details are as follows.

Resurrection of Evil After G-Skull goes through the entire Yutakan to revive the Darknyx , the Darknyx is revived and the entire Yutakan becomes dark. However, the Dragon Tamer hatches an ancient divine dragon and prevents this crisis.

Yutakhan Adventure Zones

  1. Forest Of Hope (DV) Lv1
  2. Shipwreak (DV) Lv5                                                               
  3. Fire Mountain (DV) Lv10
  4. Wind Temple (DV) Lv15
  5. Sky Temple(DV) Lv20
  6. Rainbow (Adventure) Lv25


  1. Tree Dungeon Lv30  
  2. Bone Yard Lv28  
  3. Dark Altar Lv32  
  4. Under Dungeon Lv28 (First Boss Level Region)
  5. Dungeon Castle (DV) Lv28 (Endless Zone)    

Leona's Temple G Skull manages to escape into the deep sea from the Dragon Tamers and accidentally gains power that may surpass the Dark Nyx, threatening Yutakan again. The Dragon Tamer gathers the power of the six dragons [1] that were protecting Persion and completely defeats G Skull. destroy it


  1. Starlight Coral Reef Lv32 
  2. Submarine Volcano Lv34
  3. Carm Lithosphere Lv35
  4. Estella Temple Fight Lv40 (Second Boss Level Region)

Kingdom of Heaven G-Skull has been completely destroyed, but a new villain, Astaroth, is plotting in the Sky Kingdom. The Dragon Slayer, who was unjustly sealed by the Dark Nyx, is resurrected and the Sky Kingdom floating above Yutakan falls, threatening to destroy Yutakan and the Sky Kingdom at the same time. The Dragon Tamer also prevents this crisis, but as expected, Astaroth escapes like G-Skull.

Sky Kingdom

  1. The Mine (Story) Lv40
  2. Castle Lv40
  3. Castle Ruins Lv40
  4. Arid Plains Lv40
  5. Ancient Tower Lv40 (Region Very Difficult)
  6. Dead's Refugee Lv40 (Third Boss Level Region)

Dream World Following G Skull's example (....), Astaroth escaped again and connected the dream world with Yutakan, putting all creatures in Yutakan to sleep and then trying to put them into a nightmare. Ordo, who was tricked by Astaroth, killed the two Namoji dragons. The player is sent to the dream world to find it. Once again, the dream world is saved by the action of the ancient divine dragon, and the residents of Yutakan wake up and peace is restored. However, Astaroth escapes again, and the dragons of the dream world become the main characters. will continue for a while He whispers that the false peace .

Dream World

  1. Vestige of Dreams (Dusk)
  2. Garden of Dreams (Dawn)
  3. Tower of Dreams (Nightmare)
