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Castle is where Queen Luna lives along with her knights. You will meet her after you finish the Leona Scenario.

Castle, This is where you battle the monster to receive the Alien Crystal. There are five of them and they will give you different Crystal Aliens.


  1. Bone Dragon:This is the monster you will meet on Monday and battle it will give you Yellow Crystal Alien.
  2. Kraken:This is the monster you will meet on Tuesday and battle it will give Red Crystal Alien.
  3. Lava Giant:This is the monster you will meet on Wednesday and battle it will give you Blue Crystal Alien.
  4. Deathworm:This is the monster you will meet on Thursday and battle it will give you Black Crystal Alien.
  5. Orochi:This is the monster you will meet on Friday and battle it will give you Purple Crystal Alien

. Upgrade]

  • This is where you upgrade the Castle Wall and Castle Tower to get buff for your dragons. Castle Wall will increase your dragon's ability and Castle Tower will increase your dragon's initial damage.
  • The maxed Level is unknown.


  • The shop is where you buy buff potions for your dragons and each buff will increase your atk, def, hp, crit and evad.
  • Each buff costs one diamond.
  • Buffs can be only used once and only work on dragons used in battle the monsters. They can't be used elsewhere.


  • You can raise your dragon's HP, ATK, and DEF by using spirits as you can raise your dragon's HP, ATK, and DEF by using spirits.
  • Your dragons will be affected more greatly by spirits with greater levels and ranks. By employing spirits that you don't need on Sky realm (Royal Villa), exploring in Archa, and joining the Dragon hunt party, you may raise the level of your spirits. You should think twice before using your spirits on another dragon because once you use them on the one you have chosen, you cannot use them on another.
  • The more ranks, the greater impact on your dragons. By employing spirits that you don't need on Sky realm (Royal Villa), exploring in Archa, and joining the Dragon hunt party, you may raise the level of your spirits. You should think twice before using your spirits on another dragon because once you use them on the one you have chosen, you cannot use them on another.
  • Note : You can remove spirits on your dragons but that only happen on special events like 7th Anniversary event.

Earth Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Nori.png Nori Acting like a child, Nori is the youngest earth spirit of all, yet when it comes to Yutakan age, it is almost 700 years old.
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Nomi.png Nomi Nomi is a youthful spirit that hasn't spent much time in Yutakan, therefore it's a fascinating spirit that has now fully emerged from the egg shell and can go on its own.
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Nodin.png Nodin Since the hand creation is still in its early stages and is unfamiliar to Nodin, the mature earth spirit, it is extremely cautious when it comes to receiving hands of earth packed with earth energy.
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Novik.png Novik Novik is an earth spirit with more pronounced hands of earth; as a result, they are now very hostile spirits capable of breaking steel and splitting the ground.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Nodshern and Noes.png Nodshern and Noes (Health+20/40)
  • Nodshern is quet tactless earth spirit will react very gently to gentle people and rude people who treat it rudely will face a huge rock fist.
  • Noes is one of spirits that were summoned to this world in nearly perfect form and it rock fists can cause tremendous shock waves like earthquakes
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Nodkasier and Noeanen.png Nodkasier and Noeanen (ATK+5/+10)
  • Nodkasier after long training and battles the hands of earth became sharp as blade that is sharp enough can spit wind
  • Noeanen rock blades are so sharp on their own but the sharpness is enhance by the Spell of Destruction
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Nodaina and Noas.png Nodaina and Noas DEF+5/+10)
  • Nodaina has gained love of mother nature rather than power of destruction as it hands that resemble roots turns ground green and shows power of earth
  • Noases embrace life and the king of earth spirits as is filled with power of revival of life touches are of healing and cure,
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star

Water Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Eldini.png Eldini Eldini cannot leave it spirit egg yet as this is it first time being summoned to material world so leaving it shell will turn it water puddles.
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Elpine.png Elpine Still a young spirit Elpine cannot construct it body fully yet so it has habit of sucking whenever their is water nearby
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Elpinen.png Elpinen Like the sound of body when i walk! Resembling a shape of water drop Elpinen makes splashing sounds when it heard walking
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Erdan.png Erdan Look! I can make hands with water nearby! Shape is still kinda irregular but has evolved enough to make hands using water
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Esionic and Endairon.png Esionic and Endairon (Health+20/40)
  • You don't think my fist of water doesn't hurt? Then experience it for yourself! Esionic fists are made water that is very powerful.
  • Endairon is water spirit that deals with monsters that naturally contaminate the water as it uses greatest power of water to defeat them.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Elsiode and Elestra.png Elsiode and Elestra (ATK+5/+10)
  • Elsiode finally found a way to turn water as power it can be as this spirit turn it frozen into cold sharp ice blade
  • Elestra the spirit froze itself in solid ice has gain a ice blade with ice arrows that can freeze it enemies instantly.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Erones and Elime.png Erones and Elime (DEF+5/+10)
  • Heehee! Why so serious? Let's Play! Elrones is optimistic playful, however it still high class spirit with great power.
  • Elime is the most powerful water spirit, but as innocent king of water spirits it playful trick can cause a tsunami so always be careful!
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star

Fire Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Ippi.png Ippi Oh? Where is this? Newly hatched fire spirit Ippi has habit of looking out the shell to look around.
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Igti.png Igti Oh! Everywhere i go will light on fire! Finding out its strengths Igti is always playful
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Ifuris.png Ifuris How dare you look down on fire spirit?! Ifuris personality is like that of adolescent.
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Saligan.png Saligan Two flames that rotate around Saligan are known act like its hands and of course whatever they grab will turn ashes.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Ignito and Ignis.png Ignito and Ignis (Health+20/40)
  • Ignito playfulness makes it look like a low rank spirit but however it crown means it high rank among fire spirit
  • Ignis may not be the most pwerful fire spirit but as the leader of fire spirits has honorable personality and fitting power
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Salraid and Salimander.png Salraid and Salimander (ATK+5/+10)
  • Salraid knowing that can have physical strength when being summon to this world it can use sharp blades to double it strengths.
  • Salimander manipulates blade and rocks to strengthen it attacks and defenses to highest level as result it known most powerful fire spirits in material world.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Ifriction and Ifrit.png Ifriction and Ifrit {DEF+5/+10)
  • Ifriction studied it power and learned finally how raise temperature of it fire as blue flames that burn throughout it body and appearance shows that
  • Ifrit has become a violent power hungry and a violent destructive force in return dealing with powerful flame as result you should be careful when dealing with this type fire spirit
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star

Wind Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Silph.png Silph Just hatched from the egg and summoned to material world it can only create a weak breeze.
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Silphion.png Silphion Material world is full of wonders! Silphion now knowing how to travel by the winds is always ready travel this wold to fill it curiosities,
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Siloin.png Siloin If you need to turn a windmill or sail a ship just call me! Silion enjoys helping out humans very much.
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Silager.png Silager Wind spirits that have stronger influence than you think,knowing that Silager is prudent spirit that tires control it great power
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Sirkeon and Silairon.png Sirkeon and Silairon (Health+20/40)
  • I will be the fastest wind! Wherever Sirkeon runs will be violent gust of wind.
  • Silairon is the fastest wind spirit and no spirit is stupid enough to race with this type of wind spirit
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Siraiza and Silesti.png Siraiza and Silestin (ATK+5/+10)
  • Siraiza climbs onto a cloud and enjoys traveling in sky while floating with cloud all time it has turn into a cloud.
  • Silestin is highest class wind spirit that can travel anywhere such as Material World,Spirit World,Other Worlds
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Silivine and Siliphid.png Silivine and Siliphid (DEF+5/+10)
  • Silivine is an aggressive spirit of typhoons and tornadoes as a small aggravation can cause devastating storm so be careful.
  • Siliphid is king of wind spirits that can use every form of wind and among those are unbelievably large typoon and tornados
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star

Light Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Willow.png Willow Ahhh my eyes! Willow hides into it egg shell to evade the brightness as it doesn't know light coming from itself
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Willia.png Willia Whoa! Wings! New born light spirits confuse their small wings for ears as this sprit is happy to see that it has wings.
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Ishulin.png Ishulin Don't think that they are dead sprits due to ring above their head! The ring is crystal of light and shows how powerful Ishulin is!
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Illenia.png Illenia If there is just perfect sunlight like spring thank Illenia.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Ionics and Jack O'Lantern.png Ionics and Jack O'Lantern (Health+20/40)
  • Uheehee! I know a fun trick! If their is strange reflection of light then it must be a Ionics.
  • Don't think all light spirits are always nice and kind as this type of light spirit is playful trickster fitting its name!
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Istin and Wisp.png Istin and Wisp (ATK+5/+10)
  • Istin is one of priests that serve Amor the creator god of light as a follower of light it accepted gentle perso
  • Wisp is god mother of light spirits that is pretty much mother of all spirits visit when they have concern.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
IIsteine and Isiri.png IIsteine and Isiris (DEF+5/+10)
  • Biggest trouble maker is royal family of light spirits and oddly it is aggressive so it is powerful in battle.
  • Isiris is king of light spirits as it represents sunlight and as it master of infinite light.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star

Dark Spirits

Picture Name Explanation Stats LVL
Shaymong.png Shaymong Huhuhu~ I am born! Shaymong is a newborn dark spirit, but has great ambition filling this world with darkness.
  • HP2%
  • ATK/DEF+9
1 Star
Shamoy.png Shamoy Weak low rank dark spirit may disappear when there is light as Shaymoy is always unhappy that it cannot go to bright places
  • HP6%
  • ATK/DEF+15
2 Star
Spinny.png Spinny Trying to figure out how to become more scary as it gained insight from flying bats at the night and created wings! Althought they are still a bit too small for it.
  • Skill 1:HP6% and ATK/DEF+15
  • Skill 2:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
3 Star
Arican.png Arican Heeheehee! What tricks should i play? If you hear rattling sounds or see things moving by themselves it mostly likely an Arican!
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21
  • Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27
4 Star
Shamion and Shade.png Shamion and Shade (Health+20/40)
  • Unlike other dark spirits Shamions are very staic as like observe other spirits actions and because of this many spirits dislike Shamions
  • Shade is the most calm and composed strategist among all dark spirits as it analzyes enemies attacks and uses it weakness to attack makes it more power than it actually is
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Sprion and Sprite.png Sprion and Sprite (ATK+5/+10)
  • A spirit that shares power bu contract with evils ones that consume darkness but however it can still do good by following will of summoner
  • Sprite is most diffcult handle along all spirits due to rumor that it gained power from Kades.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+52
5/6 Star
Akairal and Arkane.png Akairal and Arkane (DEF+5/+10)
  • Akairal is dark spirit knowledgeable of many tactics as they are known tarp enemies in darkness and toy with them
  • Arkane is true master of darkness as, humans cannot see its form because of surrounding area becomes pitch dark.
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33
  • Skill 1:HP10% and ATK/DEF+21 and Skill 2:HP14% and ATK/DEF+27 and Skill 3:HP18% and ATK/DEF+33 and Skill 4:HP22% and ATK/DEF+54
5/6 Star