Dead's Refugee

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Dead's Refugee Story Mode

The location is the final zone of Sky Kingdom, and most importantly, it is seal Dragon-slayer, who is contaminated with dark power and has gone crazy and cursed.

Monsters (Appears in Storyline)

  • Guardian Knight
  • Guardian Archer
  • Guardian Warrior


  • Guardian Piece


  • The second region where monsters only appear in the story

Dragon Slayer Seal

Fight Dragon-slayer to get a divine stone, sky eggs and when the seal reaches 100% you need 12 hours to fight him again.


  • Each fight is 1 Dia
  • Used to cost 1 energy to fight


  • You fight him in story line twice first in Sky Kingdom Arc then after Archa Ep2 Arc.
  • In Archa Plot he gets stronger is harder to defeat


  • Rubies
  • Sky Dragons
  • Divine Stone