Undine DV2

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  • Undine Dragon can be obtained through:
  1. Brilliant Mystery Egg
  2. Egg Ticket
  3. Egg Book Scroll:It requires 1 Cupid's Egg (Enhancement Level +2), 125 Water Crystals, and 300 Water Elementals
  • Awakening Skill : Magical Power of Water Drops: Increases the attack power of all ally dragons by the amount of your defense rate (up to 50%)


  • The Water Nymph It is a dragon with the Undine motif; originally named Wondinae rather than Undine, its name was changed to normal after August 5, 2014.
  • Prior to awakening, it was a hidden dragon, however some players use the awakening skill to obtain a proportional boost in defense rate and use it as a tank and defense by attaching cross blocking and God's Barrier. However, awakening abilities are available to the entire squad. Applies only up to 50%. In other words, even if you set the defensive rate to 100%, it will only apply up to 50%. Of course, it remains a powerful influence.