Sky Temple DV2

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  • Day Information:The location of Sky Temple is where God Dragon made his earthly descent. The golden statue is based on deity Dragon, who was sent by the deity of creation, Amor, to guard the land.
  • Night Information:Evil Duma is reported to appear during the evenings of Sky Temple with tremendous mobility and can avoid most strikes with ease.
  • Exploration Dialogue:Traveling to the Sky Temple, you will discover that these remnants have remained intact for centuries.

Monsters/Boss in Region

Time Name
Day/Kades Minotauros
Day/Kades Kentauros
Day/Kades Green Fairy
Day/Kades Glam Witch
Day/Kades Boss Zeus Jr.
Night Boss Duma

Monster Stats LV20-100

  • HP 239-751
  • ATK 71-335
  • DEF 29-111

Boss Day LV25-100

  • HP 349-1561
  • ATK 80-443
  • DEF 35-156

Boss Night Lv50

  • HP 720-900
  • ATK 160-178
  • DEF 121-124


  • Dragon Egg/Gold
  • Food Items
  • Skill/Skill Book
  • Elements/Dragon Card
  • Dragon Crystal/Elemental Crystal
  • Gem/Dragon Scrolls
  • Artifacts  


During the day mode, a random NPC will assign you a random mission.

  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.