Shop (DVM)

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Main Shops

The Shop is a place where you can buy Wings, Slimes, Nickname Change Tickets, Rune Enchant Stones, Book of Oblivion, Book of Amorru, Eggs, Mastery Materials, Capsule Coins, Dragons, Enhancement Points, Tamer Costumes, Medals, Rune Draw Chests, Rune Blessing Books, Dragon EXP, Runes, and Gold. Items can be brought using Diamonds, Amethysts, Clan Coins, Valor Medals, Honor, Mileage, Topaz, Starry Memories, and Sign of Friendship.

Witch Cauldron

The Witch's Cauldron sells a variety of items, and the contents of her shop changes naturally every hour, or you can refresh it with 100 diamonds. Purchasing from the Witch's Cauldron is a late-game consideration due to the high diamond costs. Early on, just invest in Summoning


  • Skill Slimes are used to increase the skill level of your dragons. The Witch's Cauldron can sell:
  1. Rare Skill Slimes
  2. Heroic Skill Slimes
  3. Legendary Skill Slimes

It is a very good idea to buy Heroic and Legendary Skill Slimes, especially on discount. You may wish to mainly wait for them to be on discount before buying one, but if you are in need of Skill Slimes, I happily encourage you to buy them whenever they appear. I do not think it is necessary to buy Rare Skill Slimes, as it is so easy to fully skill Rare dragons with duplicates from Summoning, but it is up to you to decide if it is worth it to you. The Witch's Cauldron can also sell Super Slimes of 3☆ to 5☆ rarity. I do not think they are worth the purchase, as it is so easy to get fodder and level them up. However, if you only need just a little bit more to 6-star a coveted dragon, then absolutely you may purchase 1 or 2.

  • Enhancement Points
  1. Rare Enhancement Points (200 diamonds for 40 points)
  2. Heroic Enhancement Points (1988 diamonds for 40 points)
  3. Legendary Enhancement Points (7950 diamonds for 40 points)

These are very worth the diamond cost! It can be difficult to come across relationship points for enhancing your dragon - especially as you will need so many to enhance even one dragon to +6. Note that they are very expensive, but enhancement points are difficult to come by. Buy them whenever they appear on discount - or even without if you are desperately in need of them. It is important to note that the cost of enhancement points is the same as relationship points. If you are looking to enhance a dragon that is not a Topaz or Limited dragon, you may wish to also pick up that dragon when it appears in the Witch's Cauldron as relationship points, especially if they are on discount. Again, I do not recommend buying Rare enhancement points, as it is so easy to get duplicate Rare dragons.

  • Gold & Wings

The Witch's Cauldron occasionally sells Wings and gold - you can usually ignore these, but sometimes they are up on discount. For Wings, absolutely you should buy them on discount as you will always need Wings, and it is great to get them cheaper whenever possible. For gold, I usually do not recommend buying them with diamonds, but if they are on discount, they may be worth it. You should decide if it is worth it to you - if there are other things which you need to spend your diamonds on soon, you might wish to abstain. Late game when gold becomes one of the largest blocks to progress, you may wish to pick it up whenever it appears on discount.

  • Runes, Evolution Materials, & Closeness Fruits
  1. I grouped these together as you generally don't want to buy these items.
  2. The runes are very expensive, and barring a Legendary 6-star rune with all the right substats at 4%, you should refrain from buying them.
  3. It is pointless to buy the other items as they are very easy to farm. The only time you may wish to buy them is Evolution Material when you have a dragon who is very nearly built to completion, and it is not the correct day to grind dungeons for their element.


here are also a great number of packs and items that you can buy with real-life currencies, should you feel so inclined to support the game. The Daily Shop resets every day. From it, you can buy:

  • 3,000,000 gold ($3)
  • A 10+1 Summon Ticket ($3)
  • 24 hour EXP+100% booster with 500 Wings ($0.99)
  • 4 hour Gold+100% booster with 500 Wings ($0.99)

All of these items are excellent value for money, except for the three million gold, which is less than what you can get from using the Gold booster. You can buy Auto Pick-Up which will automatically pick up the blue balls dropped in Adventure. They are a purchase you will likely want near-constantly, and a great investment once you are at the point where you are grinding Adventure every day. The 2x daily rewards are also a great pick up, as daily quests are your primary consistent source of diamonds, and the 2x daily reward lasts for 2 weeks. The Shop contains a myriad of packs. Amongst these, the best deals are:

  • The Level Up package (gives diamonds for every Tamer level milestone)
  • The Level package (largely for the Level 4 reward of a Legendary Selection Ticket)
  • The Starter Support package (choose a Legendary Egg of any Type)


  • The store also offers Skin that you either pay 86,000 Diamonds or pay 15,99 USD to get currently available skins in the shop.
  1. Skins:
  • White Nights Ruler Deathlock
  • Bloody Red Envy
  • King of Hell Pride
  • Mirror World Milatas
  • Knight of Spring Castitas
  • Golden Wing Larus
  • Fairy Oberon
  • Small Devil Instria
  • An indolent Fire Leslo


The game's rune store may be used for a variety of purposes, including purchasing items for your runes, managing your runes, and even presetting them, as well as implementing banners runes. Items:

  1. Enchant Rune Book:500 Amethyst with 10 purchases limit for a week
  2. Rune Enchant Stone 10x:300 Diamonds with 30 purchases limit for a week.

Fuse/Preset Rune

  • This function allows you fuse runes between 3-6 stars with a random chance of drop either better rune or same star rune but with better stats.
  • Preset is function that allows change rune layout each dragon will have 6 slots

Rune Draw

This function draws runes between 6 and 7 stars in an attempt to find a rune that can be utilized on your dragons. Rune Rates are:

  • Grade 6 Normal/Ancient:98%
  • Grade 7 Normal/Ancient:2%
