Scroll (DV2)

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Image Name Explanation
Sealed Treasure Map (DV2).png
Sealed Treasure Map An ancient map bound with a strange power. It might be pointing to the location of a valuable treasure..."
Scroll Silver (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok (Sliver) An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, 1 level 1-3 skill scroll can be obtained.
Scroll Gold (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok (Gold) An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, 1 level 2-4 skill scroll can be obtained.
Memories of Ezanok Level 1 Scroll (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok Level 1 An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, you will gain 1 level 1 skill scroll.
Memories of Ezanok Level 2 Scroll (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok Level 2 An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, you will gain 1 level 2 skill scroll.
Memories of Ezanok Level 3 Scroll (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok Level 3 An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, you will gain 1 level 3 skill scroll.
Memories of Ezanok Level 4 Scroll (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok Level 4 An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, you will gain 1 level 4 skill scroll.
Memories of Ezanok Level 5 Scroll (DV2).png
Memories of Ezanok Level 5 An artifact endowed with Ezanok's, the God of Memory's, power. When utilized, you will gain 1 level 5 skill scroll.
Ezanok Book Level 1 (DV2).png
Ezanok Book [Level 1] With the power of Ezanok, the God of Memory, you can acquire the desired skill by selecting it. You can only acquire 1 [Level 1 Skill] as a one-time item.
Ezanok Book Level 2 (DV2).png
Ezanok Book [Level 2] With the power of Ezanok, the God of Memory, you can acquire the desired skill by selecting it. You can only acquire 1 [Level 2 Skill] as a one-time item.
Ezanok Book Level 3 (DV2).png
Ezanok Book [Level 3] With the power of Ezanok, the God of Memory, you can acquire the desired skill by selecting it. You can only acquire 1 [Level 3 Skill] as a one-time item.
Ezanok Book Level 4 (DV2).png
Ezanok Book [Level 4] With the power of Ezanok, the God of Memory, you can acquire the desired skill by selecting it. You can only acquire 1 [Level 4 Skill] as a one-time item.
Ezanok Book Level 5 (DV2).png
Ezanok Book [Level 5] With the power of Ezanok, the God of Memory, you can acquire the desired skill by selecting it. You can only acquire 1 [Level 5 Skill] as a one-time item.

Image Name Explanation Skill Type
Armored Shield Skill (DV2).png
Armored Shield Lvl 1-5 A strategy developed by a traveling traveler to fight against thief assaults. It may appear silly, yet it serves as a rescuer in times of necessity.
  • 10+Skill Level+5 Damage Reduction
Skill Type:△
God's Barrier Skill (DV2).png
God's Barrier Lvl 1-5 Borrow the might of Amor, the god of light, to completely block enemy attacks and defend yourself against any attack.
  • Nullifies all attacks
Skill Type:□
Mirror of Vengeance Skill (DV2).png
Mirror of Vengeance Lvl 1-5 A mystery method developed by an old martial artist counterattacks the opponent's technique, causing mental and bodily damage.
  • Reflects damage equal to (7+2×skill level)% of your defense (however, reflected damage cannot exceed the damage amount)
Skill Type:O
Blood Thirst Skill (DV2).png
Blood Thirst Lvl 1-5 A hidden assassin technique inspired by vampire bats allows you to regain stamina by collecting energy from foes.
  • Absorbs 7% of attack power + skill level + 1% of stamina
Skill Type:O
Chains of Darkness Skill (DV2).png
Chains of Darkness Lvl 1-5 Summon chains of darkness to fully tie the enemy's motions, preventing them from moving even once.
  • Ignore opponent's turn in battle
Skill Type: △
Shroud of Protection Skill (DV2).png
Shroud of Protection Lvl 1-5 When attacked by an enemy with a skill, it spreads a protective barrier to reduce damage.
  • Reduces damage when receiving skill attacks
Skill Type: △
Wings of Judgment Skill (DV2).png
Wings of Judgment Lvl 1-5 It rises into the sky and falls at the speed of light towards the enemy, delivering a blow six times stronger than usual.
  • Attack Power 600% damage
Skill Type: O
Hallucinogenic Effects Skill (DV2).png
Hallucinogenic Effects Lvl 1-5 This talent affects the enemy's ability to discriminate between friend and foe by using hallucinations.
  • The opponent attacks itself with 150% damage
Skill Type: △
Identifying Wound Skill (DV2).png
Identifying Wound Lvl 1-5 An expert hunter concentrates on exploiting the prey's vulnerabilities, which boosts the effect by boosting opponent damage.
  • The opponent attacks itself with 150% damage
Skill Type: □
Touch of Darkness Skill (DV2).png
Touch of Darkness Lvl 1-5 Black Robe's standard ability It is a nasty method that assaults by imitating the opponent's technique.
  • Copy your opponent's skills
Skill Type: □
Strike of Fury Skill (DV2).png
Strike of Fury Lvl 1-5 It is a method that boosts attack strength by summoning hidden power when you are in danger owing to low stamina.
  • Attack power increases in proportion to reduced stamina
Skill Type: O
Purification of Light Skill (DV2).png
Purification of Light Lvl 1-5 It is one of the skills taught to civilians by the priests of light, and it is beneficial in the removal of numerous dangerous diseases and spells.
  • Removes all harmful effects, increases number of uses for skills except Purification of Light +1
Skill Type:△
Cross Blocking Skill (DV2).png
Cross Blocking Lvl 1-5 When the adversary strikes continually, swiftly defend and safeguard the critical location. "You don't get hit the same way twice."
  • A unique attack that does damage proportionate to your attack and defensive power.
Skill Type:△
Healing Light Skill (DV2).png
Healing Light Lvl 1-5 It enters the darkness and attacks the enemy's heart is a mythical assassination technique that an underworld survivor documented for posterity.
  • Recovers 60+ Maximum Health (0.06+0.01 Skill Level)
Skill Type:O
Asura Skill (DV2).png
Asura Lvl 1-5 The priests of light taught citizens a healing method that may be used to counterattack by restoring strength.
  • Special attack that does damage proportionate to the opponent's protection power.
Skill Type:△
Last Resort Skill (DV2).png
Last Resort Lvl 1-5 A good fighter must understand how to take advantage of his opponent, which may be accomplished by mimicking the enemy's assault strength.
  • Copy enemy's attack power and defense power for 2 turns
Skill Type:□
Neurotoxin Skill (DV2).png
Neurotoxin Lvl 1-5 Infects foes with poison, causing ongoing harm. make careful to keep this in mind since stamina drops regardless of defense!.
  • Continuous damage of 3% of opponent's health + skill level + 1%
Skill Type:O
God's Wrath Skill (DV2).png
God's Wrath Lvl 1-5 Using God's might, a strong wave of light is generated, which the adversary will be unable to resist.
  • A unique attack that does damage proportionate to your attack and defensive power.
Skill Type:△
Rock Defense Skill (DV2).png
Rock Defense Lvl 1-5 It hardens the skin to make it more resistant to opponent assaults.
  • Damage is lowered by 25% + skill level +5%.
Skill Type:O
Bone Breaking Skill (DV2).png
Bone Breaking Lvl 1-5 Breaks the enemy's bones and slows their motions, rendering them unable to resist or dodge.
  • Impossible to defend or evade
Skill Type: □
Deadly Defense Skill (DV2).png
Deadly Defense Lvl 1-5 Is there a stronger defense than this? Combine attack and defense power to effectively reply to opponent strikes!
  • Increases your defense by 20+5 (Same effect cannot be stacked)
Skill Type: △
Colossus Charge Skill (DV2).png
Colossus Charge Lvl 1-5 Take on a giant's might and use all of your might to charge technology that may be basic but has a significant impact.
  • Special attack that deals damage proportional to your health
Skill Type: □
You die or I die Skill (DV2).png
You die or I die Lvl 1-5 A living saint and let’s dedicate ourselves to the remaining team members.
  • Current health of you and your opponent is reduced by 50%. (For exclusive skills, 60% reduction)
Skill Type: △
Hammer of Oblivion Skill (DV2).png
Hammer of Oblivion Lvl 1-5 Hit the enemy's head with the Hammer of Forgetting to make them forget their usual skills.
  • Block the opponent's skill casting
Skill Type: □
Janus's Scheme Skill (DV2).png
Janus's Scheme Lvl 1-5 Similar to the legendary figure of the dual-faced Janus, he adjusts his posture and inclination according on the circumstances.
  • Convert your attack power and defense power
Skill Type: □
Beast Instinct Skill (DV2).png
Beast Instinct All Element Lvl 1-5 The caster's attack strength is significantly increased by this talent, which is based on the bear's terrible destructive force.
  • Attack power increases by 15% + skill level + 5%
Skill Type: □
Protection of Nature Skill (DV2).png
Protection of Nature All Element Lvl 1-5 Makes your skin as hard as a turtle's shell, boosting your protection.
  • Increases defense by 50 + skill level + 5%
Skill Type: O
Charge Order Skill (DV2).png
Charge Order All Element Lvl 1-5 It exudes a furious battle spirit and charges at the adversary; this talent boosts attack and defensive power.
  • Attack and defense increased by 7% + skill level + 3%
Skill Type: □
Fast Movement Skill (DV2).png
Fast Movement All Element Lvl 1-5 A strategy that makes your body lighter and allows you to move faster is beneficial for dodging hostile strikes.
  • Evasion probability 7% (exclusive 9%) + skill level increase
Skill Type: O
Beast's Sense Skill (DV2).png
Beast's Sense All Element Lvl 1-5 Like the eyes of a savage beast chasing its prey, it swiftly penetrates the enemy's gaps as the critical hit rate rises.
  • Critical probability 4% (exclusive 7%) + skill level increase Attack power increased by 5% (exclusive 10%)
Skill Type: O
High-Speed Movement Skill (DV2).png
High-Speed Movement All Element Lvl 1-5 Move faster than your enemy and gain more attack opportunities.
  • Your critical rate is 3% (exclusive 4%) + skill level Evasion 4% (exclusive 5%) + skill level Increases own attack power by 3% (exclusive 6%)
Skill Type: □
High-Speed Movement Skill (DV2).png
Silent Pressure All Element Lvl 1-5 Pressure the adversary with an overflowing spirit, and the assault strength of a scared enemy reduces.
  • Decrease the opponent's attack power of dragon
Skill Type: △
Identifying Weaknesses Skill (DV2).png
Identifying Weaknesses All Element Lvl 1-5 A good fighter is the first to detect the enemy's flaws, and adversaries impacted by this talent have weaker defenses.
  • Reduce opponent's defense of dragon
Skill Type: □
Expression of Life Skill (DV2).png
Expression of Life All Element Lvl 1-5 It emanates frightening killing power and instills terror in the adversary, reducing their attack and defense capability.
  • Opponent's attack and defense power reduced by 7% + skill level + 3%
Skill Type: △
Mark of Freeze Skill (DV2).png
Mark of Freeze All Element Lvl 1-5 Blocks the enemy's movements with the power of ice, reducing the chance of evasion.
  • Opponent's evasion probability reduced to 0%
Skill Type: △
Cloud of Paralysis Skill (DV2).png
Cloud of Paralysis All Element Lvl 1-5 Summons a shroud of darkness to calm the nerves and limit the enemy's chances of a critical hit.
  • Enemy's critical hit chance reduced to 0%
Skill Type: O
Reverse Time Skill (DV2).png
Reverse Time All Element Lvl 1-5 A secret technology that reverses time on foes afflicted by this talent results in less attack possibilities.
  • Opponent's critical and evasion probability reduced to 0%
Skill Type: □