Rift of Chaos DV2

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Requirement:Ancient Portal to enter which can be brought using 1 Dia/ Missions

  • Region Information:This terrifying location is shut off from outside world due to Dark Nix and other corrupted dragons are sealed here, waiting for a careless dragon tamer to face them.
  • Exploration Dialogue:You are on your way to the Rift of Chaos, where something awful awaits you within the warped region.
Time Name
All the Time Dark Nix Stats:HP-880/DEF-76/ATK-136
All The Time Griffar Stats:HP-13000/DEF-0/ATK-126
All The Time Valefor Stats:HP-10172/DEF-240/ATK-204


  • Eggs all three dragons that are boss here are spit by chance from 70% to 20% drop rate.
  • Food/Gold
  • Energy Shot/Potions
  • If you accomplish all Chaotic Crevice monster slaying assignments, you will receive the title Dragon Chaser.