Rainbow Lake

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  • Day Information:Underwater Cave was discovered after the barrier weakened, revealing that the cave is home to numerous dangerous species, therefore proceed with caution!
  • Night Information:It is said that Tubaro, a monster with a man's face, makes an appearance at night at Rainbow Lake. Tubaro surprises a lot of tamers with its powerful defense despite its looks.
  • Exploration Dialogue:You're traveling to the Rainbow Lake, which is illuminated in five distinct hues that shift frequently throughout the day.

Monsters/Boss of Region

Time Name
Day/Kades Spike Gel
Story Spirit Spike Gel
Day/Kades Red Star
Day/Kades Croker Man
Day/Kades Raekoo
Day/Kades Boss Damp Vernon
Night Boss Tubaro

Monster Stats Lv36 to 100

  • HP 364-795
  • ATK 120-332
  • DEF 45-119

Day Boss Lv-40-158

  • HP 540-1723
  • ATK 127-489
  • DEF 75-178

Night Boss Lv50

  • HP 690-900
  • ATK 165-170
  • DEF 463-495



  • Dragon Egg/Gold
  • Food Items
  • Skill/Skill Book
  • Elements/Dragon Card
  • Dragon Crystal/Elemental Crystal
  • Gem/Dragon Scrolls
  • Artifacts  


During the day mode, a random NPC will assign you a random mission.

  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.