Mysterious Emitter

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Requirement:You can enter this place once a day but you can enter second time using 50 Diamonds (Certain dragons can appear as boss of this area)

  • Region Information:This place is home to dragons guarding antiquated artifacts and added that dragons are unable to cast spells on an odd or unidentified energy.
  • Exploration Dialogue:You are headed to Mysterious Emitter, where there is a tranquil and peaceful view of old structures.
Stats Name
HP-4500/DEF-50/ATK-25 Purple Lips Boss
HP-2625/DEF-450/ATK-375 Blue Lighting Boss
HP-3000/DEF-260/ATK-225 Witch Dragon Boss
HP-2500/DEF-100/ATK-175 Volcano Dragon Boss
HP-2250/DEF-100/ATK-175 Dragonoid Boss

Gold Dragon Boss


  • Normal Mode Drop Randomly:5 Bonheur to 10 Bonheur
  • Hero Mode Drop Randomly:20 Bonheur to 30 Bonheur


  • A dragon from our lost past visits an unknown location. Perhaps the undiscovered location is a secret resting place for dragons we don't know about. As a result, no dragon will want to disrupt this peaceful repose. The dragons, in particular, are exceedingly hostile to strangers that come here, and no matter how much they are dragon tamers, they will not readily open their hearts.
  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.