Material (DV)

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Picture Name Explanation
Synthetic Stone.png Synthetic Stone Synthetic stone is newly added to the latest gem update and it replaces the dream pieces and it can be crafted in the dream world or brought.

Crafting is...

  • 1 of each Dream Piece
  • One Diamond
All Particles.png Particles Found in Estella adventure mode or when a gem upgrades fail and is used a lot through in-game in Transcend to Advent phase
Hammer of Steel.png Hammer of Steel Hammer used to increase the rate of upgrading by 10%, can be found in events, card code, and ect
Hammer of Magic.png Hammer of Magic Hammer used to increase 20% upgrading chance, can be found in events and etc.
Hammer of Deet.png Hammer of Deet It is used to increase the gem upgrade rate by 30% and it is the rarest hammer currently.

Image Name Explanation Obtain
Persion Debris.png Persion Debris Used to make Persion Piece once you reach 30 Debris's Also used to upgrade potions as well. Can be found in Estella Exploration Zone's and drops randomly
Persion Piece.png Persion Piece Found only by combining 30 Persion Debris. Combine 30 Persion Piece to make Persion Crystal Can be found in Estella Exploration Zone's and drops randomly
Persion Crystal.png Persion Crystal 30 Persion Debris can be combined to make 1 Persion Piece and 30 Pieces make one Persion Crystal. A crystal used to awaken a Capsule Dragon and can be obtained from Monthly Attendance, Events, exploring Estella, and Packages. It is also an indispensable material in Jin Awaken dragon.

Image Name Explanation Obtain
Divine Stone.png Divine Stone Used Upgrading the castle tower or wall, which is utilized to call out spirits to summon one to three stars and a lab in the sky kingdom Can be obtained...
  • The Mine that you guild uses to claim rights to a floor
  • Defeating the cobra on top of an ancient tower
  • Defeating Dragon-slayer in Hideout of the dead
All alien crystal.png Alien Crystal The majority of the game's content was utilized by these import items, and switching gems to a different color would cost three diamonds and transfer five crystals to the new hue. Obtain from Sky Palace
  • Monday is Yellow Alien Crystal
  • Tuesday is Red Crystal Alien.
  • Wednesday is Blue Crystal Alien.
  • Thursday is Black Crystal Alien.
  • Friday is Purple Alien Crystal.
Wick.png Wick Found in the Mines in story-mode or Sky Kingdom that is used in The Castle/Mines Found Adventure Throughout the Sky Kingdom Map
Stone.png Stone Found in the Old Castle Ruins in story-mode or Sky Kingdom that is used in The Castle/Mines Found Adventure Throughout the Sky Kingdom Map
Mining Ticket DV.png Mining Ticket A item used to mine in The Mines in Sky Kingdom for your Guild Brought using 10 Rubies

Image Name Explanation Obtain
All Dream Debris.png Dream Debris It used to make Dream Piece once you have 30 of them along with 1 dia Found in Dream World Exploration in each zone when defeating a monster it drops very commonly.
All dream piece.png Dream Piece It made from Dream Debris and it very important item for crafting in the Dream World Dream Piece is found very commonly in the Dream World along with Dream Debris
Jewel of Dream.png Jewel of Dream Can be obtained by Gacha, Attendance, Event or using Crafting in Eclipse's Box And Dice
  1. Materials are using Dream Piece and High Dream Elixir
  2. Used to craft Jewel of Transcend and ECT
Jewel of Transcend.png Jewel of Transcend A item used to transcend a dragon when it reaches LVL 20 Can be obtained by Gacha, Attendance, Event or using Crafting in Eclipse's Box And Dice
Low Dream Elixir.png Low Dream Elixir Combine 15 Low Dream Elixir to make Normal Dream Elixir
  • Found in Dream World Exploration
  • Drops Randomly
  • Gacha Chance Drop
Normal Dream Elixir.png Normal Dream Elixir Combine 10 Normal Dream Elixir to make High Dream Elixir
  • Found in Dream World Exploration
  • Drops Randomly
  • Gacha Chance Drop
High Dream Elixir.png High Dream Elixir Combine 5 High Dream Elixir to make Master Dream Elixir
  • Made by combining 10 Normal Dream Elixirs
  • Obtained in Exploration, Package, Gacha, and Etc
  • it drops even rarer than Normal Dream Elixir
  • Used to make Master Elixir, Dream Egg, etc
  • Gacha Chance Drop
Master Dream Elixir.png Master Dream Elixir
  • Made from combining 5 High Dream Elixir
  • Used to make Master Elixir, Jewel of Transcend, ETC
  • Gacha Chance Drop
Normal Elixir.png Normal Elixir Used on an Awaken dragon, but it only works a few times until you have to switch to High Elixir
  • Can be crafted, obtained in events, coming with the package
  • Warning: If you plan on awaken to Jin-awaken all the stuff you spend on your awakening will be lost!
High Elixir.png High Elixir Used for a few times until you have a switch to the Master Elixir
  • Can be crafted, obtained in events, coming with the package
  • Warning: If you plan on awaken to Jin-awaken all the stuff you spend on your awakening will be lost!
Master Elixir.png Master Elixir *Used on last few on your Awaken Dragon
  • Can be crafted, obtained in events, coming with the package
  • Warning: If you plan on awaken to Jin-awaken all the stuff you spend on your awakening will be lost!
High Essence.png High Essence
  • Used on Transcended/Advent dragons and you keep on feeding the dragon with essences until it reaches max stats: HP+4,ATK+1,DEF+1
  • Can be crafted it can be obtained in certain events and packages
Master Essence.png Master Essence
  • Used on Transcended/Advent dragons and you keep on feeding the dragon with essences until it reaches max stats: HP+20,ATK+5,DEF+5
  • Can be crafted it can be obtained in certain events and packages

Name Image Explanation Obtain
Advent Debris Advent Debris.png Combine 30 Advent Debris to make Advent Pieces
  • Found in Archa Exploration
  • Drops randomly
Advent Piece Advent Pieces.png
  • Combine 30 Advent Pieces to make Advent Crystal
  • Made by Combining 30 Advent Debris
Advent Crystal Advent Crystal.png
  • Crystals used to advent dragons and found around Archa
  • Events
  • Made by Combining 30 Advent Pieces
Archa Essence Archa Essence.png
  • There are 6 types of Essence: Fire,Water,Light,Dark,Wind,Earth and they either drop Archa,Tower of Proof,Dispatch,Events,Archa Store
  • The essence used to make Advent and Jin-awaken Dragons. Can be found in Archa Boss Battles ( Blizzard, Igna, and Ender ) Tower of Proof, Archa Search Party, and from defeating bosses in Archa Entrance ( Incara, Mothbell, Kaiserburn,...).