Igna DV

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  • Igna can be obtained through:
  1. Archa Raid
  2. Egg Draw/Events
  3. Trading by Code
  4. Raid Reward
  • Once you've unlocked the Estella storyline, you can transform it to its Awaken version. You acquire Persion Debris while exploring underwater locations. Once you acquire 30 Persion Debris, you may change it into a Persion Piece, as 30 Persion Pieces are required to construct a Persion Crystal.
  • You may transform it to its Transcend form once you unlocked the Dream World as you just need to LVL 20 in 7.0 then subsequently advent it after consuming essences to get back to the 7.0 stat


  • The Guardian of Archa's Fire World was previously beaten by Hell Kasier and then programmed to oppose you, and he is willing to help you retake Archa and locate the goddess who lives somewhere in Archa.
  • This one DV2 dragons that ended up transferred and given new back into DV1