Guild (DV2)

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The guild is where you meet and play with different people and there are some functions to it

  • Garnet:Important Gem to upgrade guild level and give it to the members to buy stuff/Can be found when exploring
  • Expedition:The expedition is fighting barlog and getting Garnets. The main goal is to inflict the most damage on Barlog and you get rewards that used to make the Barlog egg and equipment.
  • Guild War:Where you fight another guild for Garnet and you only can fight 3 times and after it costs dia. A war ends when the leader clicks end war. The main Goal is weakening the other groups' dragon.
  • Conquer:Not Much is known about conquering or it not finished product that devs are willing to release

Guild Shop

Where you use your garnet to buy things/ Note the stuff will be unlocked by level

  • Guild Element Pack
  • Guild Crystal Pack
  • Brilliant Earth Egg
  • Brilliant Aqua Egg
  • Brilliant Fire Egg
  • Brilliant Wind Egg
  • Brilliant Light Egg
  • Brilliant Dark Egg
  • Brilliant Shadow Egg
  • Maia's Blessing
  • Dragon's Blessing
  • Dersa Blessing
  • Elixir of Senz
  • Deiz's Amulet
  • Power Of Ajaknoc Lv.5