Guild (DV)

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The guild is used to grouping people together for the same purpose and there are many features in the guild. Most top-ranking guilds are Koreans.

  • Missions:Used to Get GP and Rubies
  1. Collection of items such as Eggs,Elements,Food,Particle randomized mission and for reward of GP and Rubies base off stars of missions
  2. Random Monster Defeat Mission:Defeat a randomized monster from different regions for reward of GP and Rubies base off stars of missions
  3. Adventure Mission:Explore different regions for reward of GP and Rubies base off stars of missions
  4. Guild Raid Mission:Defeat one raid dragons for reward of GP and Rubies base off stars of missions


  • The buffs are leveling up as the guild itself is leveling up and I the leader to pick what buffs that you need or all.
  1. Earning Gold:Increases Gold found in exploration for all members.
  2. Earn EXP:Increases EXP found in exploration for all members.
  3. Earn Ruby:Increases Rubies rewarded completion of mission for all members.
  4. Evade Injury:Decreases the time that dragons are injured for all members.
  5. Maximum Space:Increases the slots in guild
  6. Spirit EXP:Increases Spirit EXP found in exploration for all members.

Guild Raid

These dragon raids can be found adventure and not on auto. To attack these dragons you need one ruby and to get eggs is low.

  1. Angel Dragon Jr
  2. Tempest
  3. Sunset Dragon


Unlocked at level 5:

  1. Dark Incubator:10 Rubies
  2. Mining Ticket:10 Rubies
  3. Premium LVL UP:30 Rubies
  4. Dream Incubator:300 Rubies
  5. Eggs:50-1,350 Rubies
  6. Buying Rubies using diamonds:15-35 Diamonds
  7. Egg Ticket 10+1:500 Rubies
  8. Skin Raffles 10+1:1,000 Rubies
  9. Spirit Draw 10+1:3,000 Rubies

Siege Warfare

The main goal is to inflict the most damage on the dragon for each day and you get rewards of the eggs

  • Mon:Dupen
  • TUE:Dilarang
  • WED:Hurricane
  • THU:Hades
  • FRI:Predator
  • SAT/SUN:Random of 5 Dragon

Guild Battle

  • Guild War is a competitive content about attacking guild dragons of other guilds with guild members who explore the Yutakan together as the medals will be given according to the outcome and ranking of the battle, as members of the guild who participated in the match must attack the opposing guild dragons and protect their guild dragons from the opposing guild's attack.


  • The staff of the guild who wish to participate in the guild match can apply during the application period.
  • The guild that applied for participation will automatically participate in the battle from the next day.

Set Defence

  • Each member selects 3 dragons for defense and sets up the Defense deck.
  • Staff can place guild members who have completed the Defense deck setting in their defense base.


  • Staff will deploy 3 guild dragons and up to 12 guild members to their defense base.

Guild Bonus

  • Guild bonus affects the status according to the element and type of dragons participating in the guild match here are base on the battlefield, and each base has a status bonus if you defeat the defense and occupy the base, you will receive a status bonus for you and all of your allies.


  • There may be bonus. If the occupation is successful, all allies will receive a status bonus.


  • If you attack a base and win, you and your allies can advance to other bases along the path.

Guild Cave

In the new update, they added guild dragons for the guild to raise a dragon together and it may help in the guild arena or it is shown.

  • A Draw is 300 Rubies and 11 is 3000


  1. Open the Cave Area
  2. Open the bag and click the yellow button
  3. Donate anything their from eggs to elements
Image Tickets
Normal Egg Ticket
Egg Normal Draw 10 Ticket.png
10+1 Normal Egg Ticket
Premium Egg Ticket 
Egg 5 Star Draw Ticket.png
5 Star Egg Ticket
6-star Egg Ticket