Gold/Diamond (DV2)

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Picture Name Explanation
Gold (DV2).png
Gold Exploration is the most prevalent way to acquire gold, as is defeating monsters/bosses. Another way to obtain them is to either sell unwanted stuff in town or trade with other players.
Diamond (DV2).png
Diamond Diamonds can be obtained through missions, quests, daily pushes, attendance, and a variety of other means.


On a Daily Basis 1. Open Daily Chest reward. You will get 1-3 diamonds per day from it plus some gold and other stuff. 2. Daily Attendance reward. Open daily chest reward every day. You will get from 5-20. In a month, you can earn 100 diamonds just by doing this. 3. Complete Elpis Village Quests. After you finish the game's story, the village quests will be available. There are 6 quests that you can complete -- each gives 1-2 diamond plus random reward (nothing fancy, level down, gem slot reset, tournament ticket, ancient portal, etc). If you complete the 6 quests, you will get a chance to get some cool stuff. The best I got was 3 dragon's blessing.

Name of Quest Villager Mission Message
Unproven Rival Raon Accomplish colosseum quest either by winning a number of battles or beating a certain element dragon "Still fumbling with simple skills. Go ahead. Show me what you've got"
Urgent Investigation Nuri Explore an area 30-50 times "I was always curious about that region. I'm certain that there's something there. Go and check it out!"
Take it or Leave it! Romini Collect essence or Talk to Nuri "You should be able to get them without much troubles. Well, I've made my offer. Take it or leave it."
Sister's Love Pino Collect food or Talk to Nuri "Get me this item! I'll really make you glad that you did. Ha, ha!"
Your Turn Today Kanggalo Eliminate Boss or Monster "It's your turn today! Make sure you get rid of them all!"
Taking Care of Business Yulia Succeed Raid 1 times "Please hurry! I can feel the evil monsters gathering!"

Note: Quest can be done in any order but you need to finish a quest before you can move on to the other or by giving up. You cannot try the same quest again when you give up. Quests reset at the end of the day.

4. Daily Mission - Colosseum. Just by battling 10 times a day in the colosseum in PVP 1v1 or 3v3, you can earn 5 diamonds. Note: Battle with doppleganger, battle in daily match and battle in tournament does not count.
5. Water Fountain (rare). It's the water fountain in the village! Touch that and you can get 1 diamond or gold. Touch the other boxes in the village and get gold. Easy diamond, easy gold.
6. DV2 website (rare). This requires a bit of effort. Log-in to the DV2 website, log-in with your DV2 account, touch the diamond and voila, you get gold or 1-2 diamonds. Make sure you use google translate to get your way around. Too troublesome if you ask me.

7. Watch video.  Right after you open the daily chest, you will be asked by the game if you want to watch a video. If you're on wi-fi, just agree. If not, ignore. Nobody wants extra mobile internet charge. Update: Watching videos used to give 1 diamond, but now they made it two. So much free diamonds, right?
8. Guild Expedition (rare). Playing guild expedition earns you some loots. One of them is diamond. You have to pick it from 3 chests so it is based on luck. Well, it's free. Rewards are given 1 hour after the expedition ends.

On a Weekly Basis

10. Imp Pong of the Night Mode (ranked). Look who's here! You just found Pong! Alright, the night Yutakan is more than just super strong bosses that drops super items and gold. If you encounter imp and collect their stones (whatever you call that), hey, you are being ranked! The more you collect within the week, the higher the rank you have, the more diamonds you can get! Rewards are given on Mondays, 12:00 NN (Korean time).

Rank Reward
1 500
2 250
3-5 200
6-10 150
11-50 100
51-100 60
101-200 50
201-300 40
301-400 30
401-500 20
501-800 20
801-1000 5

11. Colosseum (ranked). Of course, the colosseum! After battling 10 times a day to get diamonds, you get the chance to earn more -- weekly. Colosseum are ranked and the higher your rank is, the better diamond reward you get.

Rank Reward
1 200
2 150
3-5 100
6-9 50
10-49 40
50-99 30
100-499 20
500-999 10
1000-9999 5
401-500 20
501-800 20
801-1000 5

On a Monthly Basis

12. Rank Scramble (ranked). One of my favorites, the rank scramble. Not many know what rank scramble offers. Diamonds and the 6 guardian eggs of Leona. There are 4 ranks: master, platinum, gold and silver. Just land wherever you want and you get tons of diamonds. Who doesn't want that? Silver gives 100 diamonds and Gold gives 200.


13. Participate in world raids (ranked). Participate in the world raid during Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. You can get diamonds from it just by landing at least rank 500.
14. Participate in raids (rare). By participating in the raids, you can get some extra diamonds. It's rare though.

There are other means to get diamonds. We have dragon ascension, collection mission, mission completion, skeletal fortress, special events. But so far, the ones I listed are the best means to obtain them. Good luck!

Credits:Espada Guild


All in one Guide - This Guide is a collection of everything we know about Dragon Village 2.


The Dragons have an important parameter that is the TAME LEVEL . 

When we hatch a Dragon , better is the TAME LEVEL , more high the initial dragon's stats will be, so for have a good dragon we need to maintain the tame level the highest possible. Every time we Level Up our Dragons we can lost some Tame Level :

- 4 hp = - 0,1 Tame Level

- 1 def = - 0,1 Tame Level

- 1 atk = - 0,1 Tame Level

The fastest way is to use DIAMOND for reset a level and get a 3xMAX stats. This is realy expensive , so we find a little trick for make it less expensive.

1.1 The Level Up Tricks 

The percentage to obtain a 3xMAX is affected by the Dragon's Stars and the Colors of the Tower of Light , If the Color of the Tower of Light and the Dragon's element match , we will have more chance to obtain a 3xMax stats.

We have 3 ways to do it : 

- With Diamond and Reset Level

- With Level Up Potions

- With Level Down Items

The less expensive way is obtained by combining all of those we have mentioned :

- Level up by exploring or training 1 Level , if we have not 3xMax use Level Down item . After using the Level Down item use the Level Up Potion , if we have not   3xMax Reset Level with Diamond untile we get a 3xMax . 

Obviously if we think that the dragon will be ascended this trick is useless.



There are 8 colors for the Tower of Light , like the element , each color lasts for 1 hour so we have 3 rotations in 24 h . This is the loop sequence and the correspondence with the element :

Blu = Water

Black = Chaos

Purple = Darkness

Orange = Earth

Red = Fire

White = Holy

Yellow = Light

Green = Wind


Some skills are dropped in a precise adventure zone , these are the ones we know :

Zone - Skill

From the Yggdrasil Guild

Drive from JohnVGMC