Forest of Hope DV2

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  • Day Information:Numerous wildlife may be found in the woodland of Hope; nevertheless, be wary of the dangers that lurk beyond the lovely woodland.
  • Night Information:It is reported that fierce fomas emerge at night in the Forest of Hope, and that coming into contact with its venom can be fatal.
  • Exploration Dialogue You're on a journey to the forest of hope. There is something strange and mysterious about this forest

Monsters/Boss of Region

Time Name
Day/Kades Pink Slime
Day/Kades Forest Gorilla
Day/Kades Deer Ninja
Kades/Day Tree Monster
Kades/Day Boss Snake Queen
Night Boss Fomas

Monster Stats Lv1-100

  • HP 55 to 759
  • ATK 14 to 320
  • DEF 7 to 100

Boss Day Stats Lv5 to 100

  • HP 140 to 1743
  • ATK 23 to 550
  • HP 14 to 200

Boss Night Lv50

  • ATK 164 to 170
  • HP 1820 to 2625
  • DEF 50 to 80



  • Dragon Egg/Gold
  • Food Items
  • Skill/Skill Book
  • Elements/Dragon Card
  • Dragon Crystal/Elemental Crystal
  • Gem/Dragon Scrolls
  • Artifacts  


During the day mode, a random NPC will assign you a random mission.

  • From the story it easiest place and very dangerous at night
  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.