Dragon Village Puzzle Archive Game Information

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  • Dragon Village is a 3-match puzzle adventure in which you may construct your own dragon group and conquer stages using a strategy-based RPG puzzle.
  • Login for 7 days in this game to get Gallus Code that you can transfer back DV1
  • Service of this game ended started ended in same year (2016)


  • To get dragon for your team you wait until Egg on right side timer of 20 mins has passed to receive a random 1-6 dragon
  • Each set dragon group can grouped together for a boost in either HP,ATK,DEF,EVA,CRI
  • Also each dragon has set type buff and effect based on on their abilities
  • Their are certain dragons in game that never made into other games left forgotten by Highbrow


  • To upgrade a dragon you need set materials amount or using dragons to either LVL Up, evolve its star number

Event Dungeons

Sometimes, event dungeons may arise in the game, which can be used to acquire extra prizes at the cost of the difficulty of the event stage you picked

  1. Normal
  2. Hard
  3. Difficult
  4. Hell
DV P Astra Dragon.png


  • Dragons can be place into o 3 teams of five for each deck and you can slowly swap it out whenever you feel like it.
  • Levels are based on island stages, and you advance slowly after completing each level with 1-3 stars, with a monster level every 12 levels.
  • Also after certain few levels the elemental resistance of monsters will change between 6 elements of Earth,Wind,Fire,Light,Dark
  • It plays like your standard match three game, so match an element color, and the dragons will fight the monsters, causing them to lose their health.
  • However, if you don't have the enough moves, the monster will beat you, causing you to lose the level
  • Like other match games when you matched a set their will power-up for that area that you can use in the next turn