Dragon Village M Getting Started

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Select Starting Dragon

Select Starting Dragon DVM.png

Once you have started the game there will be an in-game battle tutorial. One of the two dragons Lightning Dragon (Fire) and Smart Dragon (Earth). from the tutorial battle be one of your first dragons to begin with. You'll have to choose between the two. The Lightning one is a fire attribute attack type and the Smart is a recovery earth attribute type. Both dragons are Legendary types that are very powerful and valueable; so don't feed either one to another dragon even though they start at three star!

You get a 10+1 summon once you've cleared Adventure stages 1-7. In Adventure mode there will be 12 chapters and 7 sections each chapter to complete. Also once you have completed all 12 chapters then there will be hard, hell, and hellfire modes to complete with the same 12 chapters.

If in the 10+1 summon you don't get a great dragon then rely on the 3 star ones that you can level up and install runes for greater strength and power during the journey in Adventure mode easy. You can look up dragons capcity in the ptions section right bottom screen on the village page.

While it might seem like a tough decision, and it is generally encouraged to go with whatever dragon you like most, when it comes to mid-late game usefulness and utility, Smart Dragon greatly outshines Lightning Dragon in multiple areas. Smart Dragon makes for a great all-game healer, whereas Lightning Dragon is considered more of a mid to low tier attack dragon.

  • The Smart Dragon had great abilities including healing 3 allies and a good defense in the front in battle. Also the drag skill costs 2 mana compared to 3 on the Lightning Dragon.
  • The Lightning Dragon can have good attack abilities with enemies, but the greatest drawback is the HP which can be quite a draw back. Still the dragon over time if you evolve and put ruines in place the dragon will become a critical damage attack dragon.

The first goal is to complete Adventure mode sections as far as possible to obtain gold, diamonds and experience for your dragons. Completing Adventure sections can fullfill The Road to Mastery Quests. For the beginning steps focus on completing normal and hard Adventure levels. Once those modes are completed Nightmare dungeon will help you recieve runes to install on your dragons status to tackle hell and hellfire Adventure modes. If you need help completing levels you can use helper dragons from your friends.

Keep in mind though that the meta is always changing and dragons receive buffs and nerfs all the time, so go with whatever dragon YOU want.


The Road to Master

The Road to Master DVM.png
  • As you continue with the in-game tutorials, you'll be introduced to The Road to Master mission menu. These missions are very helpful to new players as they give you free items for reaching many early game milestones; like completing stages in the Adventure mode chapters, as well as tutorials. Be sure to constantly return to claim your prizes since it's very easy to forget and progress ahead, only to have to return and redo certain missions to unlock your rewards.
  • One of your first rewards will be a Heroic Egg, which is a special egg that hatches exclusively 4* dragons. There will be always to hatch a Light Citaell, which would be your first defense type dragon. (Note: Light and Dark dragons are the rarest of all the elements, so any 4* dragons with those attributes are worth keeping, especially if they receive future buffs.) Just to include that The Road to Master isn't the only road, but after the missions completed there will be an advanced road to mastery by the mid part of the game.


Special Check-in Event

Special Check-in Event DVM.png

This is a one-time event that rewards new players simply for playing the game. Every day that you log in, for the first 7 days, you'll receive some nice prizes, including Gold, Diamonds and rare eggs. But the prize you want the most is the Legendary Egg. You receive this egg on day 3, and the egg will ALWAYS hatch a 5* Legend dragon (excluding limited dragons).

Since Legendary Eggs are rare and hard to obtain, some players like to use this opportunity to try and get a top tier dragon to carry them through the early-game, sometimes restarting with a new account until they get the dragon they want. This process is called "rerolling".

Summon Banner (DVM).png


Since you have to wait 3 days to get a Legendary Egg, this process can be very time consuming if you're continuously unlucky. Alternatively, if you're looking for a more casual gaming experience, then it's more than fine to bypass this process altogether and just stick to 10+1 summons, as they have a decent chance of giving 5* dragons as well.

It is not recommended to reroll unless you want a better chance of obtaining the dragon wanted. Throughout the game you can obtain dragons that can help you through adventure mode

Spending Wisely

Other Gold Images DVM.png


  1. Dragon level-ups, rank-ups, skill level-ups, and evolutions (save enhancements for mid-game).
  2. Enhancing your 1/2* runes to +3, and your 3/4* runes to +10.
  3. Unlocking tamers
  4. Enhancing tamer skills
  5. Enhancing formations
  6. Witches Caludron( every hour there will be a new set of items forsale that may contain gold, but not allways.
  7. Book of Oblivion which can be used for skill reset in dragons mastery skills.


  1. 10+1 summoning to help build your early-game team, as well as obtain fodder for rank-ups and skill level-ups.
  2. Expanding both dragon and rune inventory.
  3. Purchasing Wings from the Shop (180 Wings is best deal).
  4. Leveling up Dragon's Forest.
  5. Transferring skills for 4-5* dragons (though this may be more of a mid-game expense).
  6. Witches Cauldron( Another place where you can get items for diamonds at a lower cost)


  1. Leveling up Bookshelf, Treasure Chest, or Spring Water in Dragon's Forest.
  2. Buying slime eggs which hatch into EXP slimes, which can range from being a 2*-5*.
  3. Purchase High Grade Runes and Dragons Prey to level up your dragons.

Clan Coins

  1. Legendary Skill Slimes: Always buy once a week, but not nesseccary if you want to store them for later.
  2. Absolute Legendary Egg: Amazing egg that always hatches a powerful limited dragon (i.e. Magnas, Lightning God Dragon, Verus, ). Very expensive, so recommended to bypass buying Enhancement Points unless you already have a top tier dragon or a relatively solid team.
  3. Enhancement Points: Best to buy 5* enhancement points before 4* since 4* dragons can easily receive enhancement points by using Farewell on duplicates.


  1. Auto Pick-up (14 day): Automatically rewards 100 diamonds and 20k gold for every day logged in. Also offers 40% discount for 2nd purchase and 80% on 3rd for a total of 42 days.
  2. EXP Booster (24 hour): Gives bonus 500 Wings with purchase. +100% EXP boost stacks best with weekend Hot Time for a total boost of +200%.
  3. Weekly Events: Purchase items with USD to possibly win limited dragons and rare materials.