Dimensional Gate (DVM)

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At the Dimensional Gate, you will face unprecedented challenges that needs to be overcome all of the difficulties and receive recognition from a dragon from another dimension. If you acquire a large number of Dimensional Gate Tokens, it will reward you with them and even become your ally.


  • First:Prepare a team with the most powerful dragons in team, and it must feature two mythics, one for attack and the other for defense, as well as a healer and support.
  • Second: keep an eye out for items that spawn on the stage, such as bombs or healing pots, which need you to switch off auto and respond in a timely manner.
  • Third:Save up your mana in fighting here,because sometimes you are close to winning you still can lose here.
  • Fourth:When boss of any stage is casting it deadly attack either try hit it weak spot or try attempt to heal your team ,because attack will hit hard.
  • Fifth:Repeat everything said above.