Crystal Mine DV2

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  • Day Information:Crystal Mine is a hazardous location, contrary its beautiful aura, infested with monsters worshiping the deity of evil.
  • Night Information:Gogon the guard created by the thieves are known to appear at the nights of Bandits's Igloo, Gogon doesn't have any special skills, but it has powerful attacks and strong defense .
  • Exploration Dialogue:You're on a journey to the forest of hope. There is something strange and mysterious about this forest

Monsters/Boss of Region

Time Name
Day/Kades Goblin Thief
Day/Kades Purple Lava
Day/Kades Illusionist
Kades/Day Mandragonak
Story Machine Mandragonak
Kades/Day Boss Fantasy Guard
Night Boss Fomas

Monster Stats Lv 33 to 100

  • HP 298-759
  • ATK 122-320
  • DEF 46-113

Day Boss Lv-38 to 177

  • HP 488-1767
  • ATK 128-536
  • DEF 71-221

Night Boss Lv-50

  • HP 943-1275
  • ATK 265-275
  • DEF 135-126



  • Dragon Egg/Gold
  • Food Items
  • Skill/Skill Book
  • Elements/Dragon Card
  • Dragon Crystal/Elemental Crystal
  • Gem/Dragon Scrolls
  • Artifacts  


During the day mode, a random NPC will assign you a random mission.

  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.