Black Island

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Requirement:You can enter this place once a day but you can enter second time using 50 Diamonds

  • Region Information:It is reported that a Gatekeeper who absorbs and uses Dragon abilities protects the riches on Black Island.
  • Exploration Dialogue:You're traveling to Black island. where treasure is spread everywhere and there's a sense of danger.
Drop Name
Drops Randomly:5 Anima-10 Anima Normal Boss Mode of Ancient Gate Keeper Stats:HP-1272/DEF-185/ATK-430
Drops Randomly:20 Anima-30 Anima Hero Boss Mode of Ancient Gate Keeper Stats:HP-2036/DEF-296/ATK-688


  • The guardian of the dark island, buried among innumerable treasures. It is an amazing feat of magic engineering, and no one knows who made it or why it is kept on Black Island. He seems less resistant to magical assaults than regular ones since he is a creature composed of magical force. It works well to assault with novice magic that fires quickly to open a gap, then gradually apply pressure with hand-to-hand combat.
  • The monster you face determines its own ATK, DEF, and HP, thus I am unable to provide the exact one.