Ancient Tower (DVM)

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The Ancient Tower consists of 50 floors, and for each floor you clear, you are given a score based on:

  • Successfully clearing it
  • How fast you cleared it
  • Whether or not all dragons in your team survived
  • From F41 and above, how many dragons in your team had an element advantage over the boss.

The Tower resets every 2 weeks, closing on Wednesday's rollover into Thursday, and opening at 10am server time on Thursday. You can get the following as initial Tower clear rewards.

Team Formation

  • The Ancient Tower is not difficult, and after some time of playing, you may even wish to tailor your teams to compete in the rankings.
  • You can build a team for Ancient Tower the same you would for Adventure. The Witch + Wonder combo is one that can easily complete the whole Tower.
  • The mobs in Ancient Tower are one of the largest you will come across, so Mini with its 7-target drag skill is especially amazing.
  • On every 5th floor and F41 and above, the final wave consists of 4 dragons and minions. A multi-target dragon that hits heavily such as Fire or Light Solar is excellent for getting through them quickly.
  • ATK Speed dragons are also useful for making your Tower times as short as possible. They hit more often than dragons without ATK Speed investment, and dragons such as Fire Lightning have a luck-based passive that allows it to hit slightly more often.
  • At lower floors, you will probably end up with a clear time of between 30 seconds and 10 seconds. You will soon realise that mana is a problem when it comes to maximising your score - you won't have enough to use those precious drag skills that will help you move on faster. So you may wish to use a dragon that provides mana every short duration such as Light Party or Light Pharaoh.
  • Meditation runes may also help, although in my experience, you can finish the lower floors in 10 seconds, which is not enough for Meditation runes to recover 1 mana.
  • Starting from F41 and above, you get a bonus for each dragon you use that is of the effective element against the boss of that floor. This makes Spiral dragons, who you may have already built for Clan Dungeon, useful on these floors. Just swap out to the correct attribute every floor!
  • Note that these are all considerations for min-maxing your Ancient Tower score. You do not need any of this if you simply wish to clear the Ancient Tower every time it rests.


  • Note: Repeating floors you have cleared before is an excellent way to get Gold!
  • You can easily clear the Ancient Tower within 2 or 3 days after it resets, which leaves the remaining 2 weeks ample time for you to repeat the highest floor you can do (F50, eventually) for gold. You can get 24,600 gold from repeating F50 once. You get 2 Tower refills every hour. If you repeat F50 every time you get refills, you can get nearly 1,000,000 gold every day!
  • When you have cleared F45, for the first time, you will unlock the Tower of Tests.