Ancient Ruins (DVM)

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  • A monstrous dungeon. It is the only source of Ancient Runes and Books of Amorru, which are necessary to Master your dragon.
  • My number one advice to anyone about to go into the Ancient Ruins is to take your time. Your dragons need a lot of investment to be ready for it, so do not hurry in giving your dragons the best runes, enhancing them, and ranking them up!
  • In Ancient Ruins, you need 2 teams: one in the top lane, and one in the bottom.
  • Placement does not matter much, but keep in mind that the top right corner in the top lane team sustains more damage, while the bottom right sustains more damage in the bottom lane team. See Team Formation for more about this.

Boss Function

The boss monsters in Ancient Ruins are somewhat unique.

  • It is very bulky.
  • It hits very hard.
  • It has only one kill spot.
  • It has multiple attack types, 2 of which specifically target the top lane, and another 2 that target the bottom lane.
  • The boss of each level has the ability to debuff one stat e.g. the level 10 boss debuffs ATK Speed.
  • It has a drone that will keep healing it, and reduce the damage it takes as long as the drone is around.
  • The drone will respawn if you kill it.

Team/Dragon Requirements

  • Attackers:
  1. A commonly used team that works very well is double Wonder, both Water and Dark. Use both in the same team, combined with a Witch for two attackers who will continue targeting the boss without worry of dying.
  2. Water Wonder has the ability to stun the drone, stopping it from healing for a while, while Dark Wonder can reduce the boss's Recovery Rate, helping to nullify the heal provided by the drone.

In the other team, you will need two heavy hitters that can take advantage of ATK boosts and DEF drops. Whittling down the boss is not an option, as it will constantly heal itself, so you need attackers that will put a big dent in it whenever it has the chance.

  1. Light Clown is very popular due to the fact that it is a Heroic dragon, meaning it is relatively easy to get and enhance. Its Light attribute has a type advantage against the final boss (which is the dungeon you will be grinding the most), and it also decreases the opponents' DEF, allowing it to hit harder.

Its partner can be any strong attacker that you have built up. Attackers whose drag skill scales off Critical DMG are great, as always. High power can outdo the need for useful skills. For example, Fire or Light Solar's stun or silence is useless in Ancient Ruins, but its high damage output more than make up for that.

  1. The best would be dragons that have good synergy. For example, you can use Light Clown and Earth Hades. Both dragons have DEF decrease skills, which you can stack to the maximum 3 on the boss for a higher damage output. Both dragons also need 3 mana to use their drag skills, so you can use a mana battery that activates when its teammates use a 3-mana-cost skill.
  • Healers:
  1. If you use a double Wonder team, then you will not need a healer on that team. As you will need to fit many roles into your two teams, you will want to use only one healer. A 4-target healer is ideal, as it can heal almost your entire team each time.
  2. Boosting your team's stats is near-crucial. You need all the boosts that you can get. Earth Smart and Fire or Dark Totem's heals that also give an ATK boost are extremely helpful. Totem also passively boosts its teammates' ATK, so one Totem alone can give your dragons +2 ATK boosts.
  3. If you have no other good healers, Light Lady can also help. She heals 4 targets at one time, boosts Critical Rate, and as a bonus, removes harmful effects. Revive can also be good to ensure that no teammate dies too early, but the only suitable healers with revive are Dark Totem and Manus.
  • Support: Mana battery
  1. Both teams will need a mana battery.
  2. This is an area where Cupid is vastly superior to Lambgon. All Cupid dragons either apply debuffs to the opponent, or apply buffs to their teammates.
  3. Earth Cupid is popular thanks to her Recovery Rate debuff. The boss will keep healing, and no matter how many times you kill the drone, it will keep respawning. With Earth Cupid's help, the drone is rendered near-useless until another attacker can take it out. Effective when combined with Dark Wonder.
  4. Dragons such as Fire or Dark Cupid boost their teammates' stats, helping your dragons to hit harder and finish the dungeon faster. Dark Cupid especially is a beast that boosts Critical Rate and Critical DMG, ideal for almost any attacker. What's more, many of the top Attack type dragons require 3 mana to use their drag skills, making Dark Cupid an ideal partner.
  • Support: Recovery Rate debuff
  1. If you have been reading up until now, you may have gathered that a dragon with the ability to reduce the boss's Recovery Rate is indispensable.
  2. The boss's drone will continue to respawn, and it provides a large heal, so slowly whittling down the boss's HP is not an option. This is why you will need a dragon that will make the drone recover less than usual.
  3. A great dragon for this is Earth Hurricane. Its skill has a 100% chance to reduce Recovery Rate for 20 seconds (25 seconds when Adult), and the cooldown of this skill is 20 seconds, so it can apply reduced Recovery Rate 100% of the time.
  4. However, Hurricane's other skills have little use, and its ATK stat is not high enough to cause any damage. This can make it dead weight, so people tend to prefer dragons with more utility.
  5. Water Gale is slightly more useful in decreasing the opponent's DEF. You may also use a dragon who has the ability to reduce Recovery Rate in addition to its other skills, such as Earth Cupid and Dark Wonder mentioned above. Separately, their skills are not enough to ensure that the boss can never heal much HP, but combining two dragons that have added utility in addition to the ability to reduce Recovery Rate can be enough.
  • Support: DEF debuff
  1. The next type of support you need is a dragon that can decrease the boss's DEF. Without this, your attacks will barely scratch the boss monster, as it is very bulky.
  2. Fire Godium is a popular debuffer as it is a Heroic dragon and relatively easy to obtain, and rank up so that it can evolve to Adult. It has the ability to decrease both ATK and DEF, stacking up to 2 DEF debuffs. It can also provide mana in a pinch.
  3. Fire Alien is a somewhat unconventional dragon. It has a chance of providing mana when it attacks, and it becomes zombie when it dies, gaining an additional 300% ATK Speed. It can decrease the boss's DEF by one. This makes it a decent mana battery for a Wonder team, as it similarly does not need a healer.
  4. Note that ATK debuffs are less useful in this dungeon. The boss hits very hard regardless, and you cannot time ATK debuffs to apply when the boss is about to launch a powerful attack. They can be useful if a dragon that fulfils another role also debuffs ATK, but there is no need to have a dragon solely to debuff ATK.
  • Support: ATK Buff
  1. In order for your dragons to hit hard enough, ATK boosts will help greatly. This is why healers that boost your dragons' ATK when they heal is very helpful to have, and you can further boost your team by using dragons that give ATK buffs.
  2. Light Pharaoh is an amazing support dragon that provides 2 ATK buffs to dragons at the rear, alongside shielding 3 of its teammates and occasionally providing mana. It is also tanky enough to frontline.
  3. Nerroth is a very versatile dragon that can act as an attacker if need be, or as a tank. It also provides some mana (Fire acts like a mana battery, Dark provides 2 mana every cooldown), so if you need to compress some team roles, Nerroth can be very useful in this department.
  • Support: Cooldown Reduction
  1. A dragon to help you attack more often is ideal in shortening your runs. You can place one in each of your teams, or even combine two in one team.
  2. Water and Fire Bagma are for dragons whose drag skill costs 2 mana, reducing their cooldown by 30%. They also provide additional support in providing DOT (Water) or DEF debuff (Fire). Light Alien similarly works for 2-mana-cost dragons, reducing their cooldown time by a flat 5 seconds. Alien also reduces the mana cost of drag skills by 1, which makes it effective when used in conjunction with Bagma.
  3. Light and Earth Bagma reduce the cooldown of 3-mana-cost dragons by 30%, which is a considerable discount considering the longer cooldown time of 3-mana-cost skills. Water Alien is usually not used, as its 5 second reduction is not as good for 3-mana-cost dragons.

Farming Ancient Ruins

  1. It is not worth it to farm levels 1-5, as they have a chance of giving out runes of 4-star rarity and below, the same as Nightmare Dungeon.
  2. Once you can auto level 6, you may wish to farm this level or above if you are in need of Ancient Runes or Books of Amorru.
  3. Do note that the chance of getting Books of Amorru increases every level. So level 5 of Ancient Ruins has a significantly lower chance of dropping Books than level 10. Level 5 and below only give out a maximum of 2 books at one time, while higher levels can give out a maximum of 3 books.
  4. If you find that your Ancient Ruins runs are not as consistent as you would like them to be, don't be afraid to drop down one level and farm that level instead. This is particularly true if your dragons need Ancient Runes to be effective.
  5. If you can only farm level 7 and 8 for runes of slots 1 to 4, then that is already enough to get runes of any set, as the maximum number required for any 1 rune set is 4 (e.g. Meditation requires 4 runes to be a full set, but Survival only requires 2).
  6. In the case that you need normal runes of a specific colour, however, you may be better of farming Rune Guardian for those runes. The rate of 5-star and 6-star runes are the same in Rune Guardian as they are in Ancient Ruins.
  7. While Ancient Ruins are usually superior thanks to dropping Books and Ancient Runes, Rune Guardian is still very useful for getting specific runes.