Adventure (DVM)

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Adventure mode of Dragon Village M consist of twelve areas (or chapters) which are part of the game's main storyline about the Yutakan World. To progress through the main story, the game requires players to complete each area in successive order, with each area becoming increasingly more difficult. To complete an area, players must battle their way through six stages, with each stage consisting of three rounds of dragons; the last of which is usually a special, powered-up boss version of a regular dragon. A seventh stage also exists for each area, and similarly also consists of three rounds of dragons, although the last round requires defeating a special boss. Completing a stage awards a player with experience, Gold, Runes, Eggs, and (depending on auto pick-up) occasionally some Diamonds and Amethysts as well.

In addition, each area also consists of three modes of difficulty: normal, hard, and hell. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards for completing a stage. Only normal difficulty is unlocked initially, so players must finish all the chapters in one difficulty before they can advance to the next one.

Adventure Areas

There are currently twelve adventure areas available:

Image Area Mode
Elemental Forest Map.png
Ch.1 Elemental Forest Easy-Hellfire Mode
Sea of Sapphire Map.png
Ch.2 Sea of Sapphire Easy-Hellfire Mode
Canyon of Biting Wind Map.png
Ch.3 Canyon of Biting Wind Easy-Hellfire Mode
Land of Fire Dragon Map.png
Ch.4 Land of Fire Dragon Easy-Hellfire Mode
Forgotten Sky Ruins Map.png
Ch.5 Forgotten Sky Ruins Easy-Hellfire Mode
Screaming Pitch-dark Castle Map.png
Ch.6 Screaming Pitch-dark Castle Easy-Hellfire Mode
Fountain of Venom Map.png
Ch.7 Fountain of Venom Easy-Hellfire Mode
Night Stalker Nest Map.png
Ch.8 Night Stalker Nest Easy-Hellfire Mode
Sea of the Abyss Map.png
Ch.9 Sea of the Abyss Easy-Hellfire Mode
Outer Weidel Forest Map.png.png
Ch.10 Outer Weidel Forest Easy-Hellfire Mode
Temple of Twilight Map.png
Ch.11 Temple of Twilight Easy-Hellfire Mode
Collapsed Black Fortress Map.png
Ch.12 Collapsed Black Fortress Easy-Hellfire Mode

Initially, only Elemental Forest is unlocked, with the rest being unlocked as players progress through the main story by completing the area available to them. Each area consists of seven stages, with each stage consisting of three rounds of dragons which must be defeated in battle in order to clear the stage. The last round of each stage consists of a more powerful version of a dragon found in that stage, with the seventh stage consisting of a boss.

Additionally, each area has three modes of difficulty available to them: normal, hard, and hell. Each difficulty consists of harder dragons for each stage, although better rewards and more experience is also given for completing a stage. Only normal difficulty is unlocked at first, so players must first finish all the chapters in normal mode to unlock hard mode, which must also be cleared to unlock hell.


The amount of experience awarded to each dragon in battle after completing a stage depends on the adventure area and the difficulty the stage is completed in. In general, the later the area is unlocked, and the higher the difficulty mode, the more experience awarded. Chapter sub-numbers also affect experience, with higher numbered stages sometimes awarding more experience, although this will depend on the area and difficulty of the stage.

The amount of experience awarded is divided among all the dragons in battle (excluding dragons belonging to friends), so having less dragons in battle will result in more experience awarded to each monster, at a cost of making completion more difficult. Note that less experience is awarded if players lose all of their dragons in battle before the end, with the amount depending on how far in a stage players advance and how many enemies were defeated.